Weight Loss Clinic in Fort Collins

Achieve Results That Matter | Weight Loss Clinic at Xanadu

A woman is smiling and holding up a pair of jeans that are too big now that she has lost weight with the help of Xanadu weight loss clinic in Fort Collins

At Xanadu Med Spa, we’ve created an all-encompassing weight loss clinic in Fort Collins to help our patients achieve their dream body. Our approach focuses on education, support, and guidance at all touchpoints of the weight loss journey. 

Our medical professionals are passionate about developing weight loss plans that address the root causes of many health-related concerns. We also provide our clients with tools to monitor their progress and additional resources after the weight has come off.

Prepping Your Plan

When developing your weight loss plan, it can be easy to dream of what life at your goal weight might look like. The real challenge is figuring out where to start.

Nutrition Counseling

To kick off your healthy lifestyle, our weight loss clinic in Fort Collins offers nutrition counseling from our nutritional therapist. This counseling will get you started with a strong base before jumping into any other major lifestyle changes.

Our counseling is based on a holistic approach to nutrition, ensuring that each plan is tailored to your specific needs.

Vitamin Injections

Vitamin injections are another important resource to utilize in your weight loss journey. Everyone knows it can be hard to figure out where your diet is missing essential nutrients. Xanadu’s injections give your body the vitamin dosages it needs to function at 100%.

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide Injections

When lifestyle changes aren’t enough, Xanadu offers semaglutide and tirzepatide injections to patients who need help achieving their goal weight.

Mimicking the body’s natural GLP-1 hormones, semaglutide weight loss in Fort Collins helps the body feel fuller on fewer calories. These injections help suppress those pesky cravings that are keeping you from reaching your ideal body.

Monitoring Your Progress

For semaglutide injections, you can expect more frequent check-ins during the early stages of your treatment. This is to ensure that your body is becoming accustomed to the injections in a healthy manner.

These check-ins will occur less frequently as you get closer to your goal weight. 

A woman is injecting a syringe into her abdomin with a semaglutide injection from Xanadu weight loss clinic


Xanadu’s nutritional counseling only requires one session, but we do provide monthly talks from our nutritional therapist if you’re interested in learning more. Our vitamin injections are administered on an as-needed basis as well.

You’ve reached your goal weight… Now what?

Once you’ve finally reached that number on the scale, it can be discouraging to deal with loose skin around your face and stomach. After significant weight loss, you can still be left with excess skin, which can distract from the results of your hard work.

To combat skin laxity, Xanadu offers a variety of treatments to help you look and feel like your best self.

For skin laxity on the face, we recommend using treatments like Emface or Morpheus8 RF microneedling. Emface is a noninvasive anti-aging treatment that uses dual energies to lift and plump the face. Morpheus8 RF microneedling combines traditional microneedling with radiofrequency energy, promoting skin renewal from the inside out.

For skin laxity in other areas, we recommend looking into our body contouring center! With several options to tighten skin, minimize cellulite, reduce remaining fat, and more, our unmatched selection of options can be just what you need for your finishing touches.

Be sure to consult your Xanadu medical specialist on which treatments would be right for you.

Lose the Weight Today

Ready to book your consultation at Xanadu’s weight loss clinic in Fort Collins? Call or text us at (970) 482-1889 or visit our website and set your appointment today!