What Is the Best Age to Get Botox Treatment?

In 2020, more than 4 million people in the U.S. received Botox. This treatment is proven safe, reliable, and effective with a history that spans over 20 years. Today, an influx of younger patients opt for preventative treatments sooner rather than later, but this injectable isn’t just for people in their 20s and 30s. In fact, it’s a universal favorite for those in their 40s and well beyond, as we at Xanadu Med Spa in Fort Collins, CO, can attest.

What Is the Best Age to Get Botox Treatment for Patients in Fort Collins, CO?

Patients often try to identify the “perfect” age they should start cosmetic therapies. But most treatments – especially injectables like Botox (BT) – aren’t bound by age parameters. What’s more important than the years you’ve accumulated is the state of your skin. Everyone’s timeline is different. Some develop fine lines in their late 20s, some in their 30s, and still others are lucky enough to make it to their 40s before they see visible skin changes.

Changing Times

With this in mind, it’s best to start BT when you’re ready. For wrinkle treatments, this generally means when you see crow’s feet, frown lines, or forehead lines that remain even when your expression is neutral. For preventative treatment, BT can be started in the mid-20s. Although patients under the age of 25 rarely ask for BT, it does sometimes happen.

What’s more common is patients asking for BT in preparation for their thirtieth birthdays. This was almost unheard of 10 years ago but is today becoming a new standard. This is partly because injectables have become mainstream. They’re widely available and considered an essential component of many beauty routines. The other factor is social media. People want to look their best for the many photos they continually post.

Preventative BT

A few moments ago, we mentioned the words preventative treatment. BT works by relaxing targeted muscles. To illustrate, if we inject it into the center of your forehead, between your brows, the muscles there will temporarily stop working as effectively. As the muscles stop working, the overlying skin also smooths and relaxes so you don’t see pesky lines and wrinkles.

Preventative BT works to keep lines from forming into wrinkles. This is a great option for those with expressive faces, who emote a lot while talking, or who often squint while working or in the sun. The whole idea with preventative BT is to start early – as soon as you see lines develop – rather than wait. But rest assured that if you’re outside the preventative boundary, BT can still work for you.

Decade by Decade

It might be hard to believe, but skin does start degrading as early as the mid 20s. This is when patients often notice dryness, radiance loss, and a dull or blotchy complexion. For many, fine lines also start developing.

The body’s natural regenerative processes slow down with time. Substances like hyaluronic acid that keep skin smooth and firm gradually diminish, leading to structural changes within the skin’s deepest layers that manifest as dryness, roughness, and lines on the surface. Cellular turnover also slows, and sebum production declines. Last but not least, the skin’s blood supply wanes so that you may look pale and fatigued.

BT in Your 20s

There is, however, light at the end of the tunnel. Cosmetic treatments were designed explicitly to combat these effects. Patients in their 20s can use BT as a preventative treatment, as mentioned earlier. We should note, however, that preventative treatment is not used to permanently keep wrinkles at bay. If you don’t see any lines, you don’t need BT – and injections can’t be made randomly in the hopes that lines never develop.

Receiving treatment in your 20s can also erase lines that are genetic or hereditary. These are often classified as stage one and are visible only when a person makes a certain face or moves their skin in a certain way. They indicate where permanent creases will develop in the skin’s architecture, and starting BT now helps prevent those lines from edging deeper into your tissues.

BT in Your 30s

This is the decade when most patients begin their journey with BT, but again, no hard and fast rule governs when you can receive BT. By age 35, most people have already lost around 10% of their original collagen levels. Elastin production also slows, and dynamic lines start to evolve into stage two, or static wrinkles. Unlike dynamic wrinkles that appear only when you move your face, static lines are always visible, even when your face is at rest.

Many times, the amount of BT you need corresponds coincidentally with your age. In your 30s, you might receive around 35 units. The amount of Botox you need also depends on the strength of the muscle in a particular area. A stronger brow may require more units, while delicate skin around the eyes may require a smaller dose.

BT in Your 40s and Beyond

If left to their own devices, many wrinkles hit stage three in a person’s 40s. This means they’re deep enough that makeup gets caught in them. BT can be used as treatment rather than prevention at this point, softening lines and smoothing skin for a more youthful appearance. Also keep in mind that starting BT at any point keeps wrinkles from getting worse.

BT is a versatile treatment, meaning it can be paired with other therapies to achieve broader results. Lasers, regular facials, and dermal fillers can help redefine contours, whisk away dead skin cells, and lift and plump tissues. Rest assured that during your consultation, we’ll develop a treatment plan that meets your aesthetic goals.

The Facts You Need

First and foremost, BT will not cause you to lose all the personality in your face. You’ll still be able to express yourself when you feel angry, happy, or surprised. It’s true that targeted injections will restrict your movement, but treatment involves only a moderate amount of BT. It relaxes only the wrinkle-forming facial muscles at the site of injection, such as furrows between the brows and forehead lines. Other facial muscles will not be affected.

You also shouldn’t worry about becoming dependent on BT. Some people claim it’s addictive, but this is absolutely false. BT contains no habit-forming components and is instead an easy, effective way to keep your skin soft and beautiful.

Maintenance Sessions Are Necessary

On average, BT lasts three to four months. Some people enjoy their results for a little longer, but the point is you should plan on maintenance sessions every three to six months. As the treatment wears off, your muscles will begin contracting again and old lines and wrinkles will re-appear. These effects happen gradually rather than overnight, but it’s best to schedule your maintenance appointment before BT completely dissipates.

You Can Get It Done on Your Lunch

The injections themselves will only take about 10 minutes to perform, and BT requires few, if any, post-treatment restrictions. This means you can return to work, run errands, or even go to dinner once your appointment is complete.

Kiss Wrinkles Good-Bye

Whether you choose to start BT in your late 20s, mid 30s, or early 40s, you can expect gorgeous results. A softer and smoother canvas, fewer lines, and less visible wrinkles are yours for the taking. Schedule your consultation today by contacting Xanadu Med Spa in Fort Collins, CO.